3rd Person Bio

Miguel Ballesteros is a computer scientist/computational linguist working in the intersection of natural language processing and machine learning. He works on several areas of natural language processing where his main specialization has been structured prediction problems, such as syntactic and semantic parsing. In addition, he has explored other areas that include sequence tagging, machine translation, social media analysis, multi-task learning, summarization and language modeling.

Work History and Education

He is a Principal Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in New York City. Previously he worked at (1) IBM, at (2) Carnegie Mellon University and at (3) Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Miguel taught undergraduate and graduate courses both at Carnegie Mellon University and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. By the end of 2012, Miguel earned his PhD at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, which included two research stays at Uppsala University.

Service and Research Publications

Miguel has been Area Chair in a number of conferences and serves as an Action Editor for Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, and the ACL Rolling Review. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers and articles which have been cited more than 11,400 times according to Google Scholar. Miguel has published papers with more than 60 researchers affiliated in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.